Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Teaching Your Kids To Be Safe

At your left is a picture of my son Ben with his beloved Papaw, my Dad. As I mentioned before, he is now a Tenderfoot Scout. As I watched the news coverage this week of the 12-year-old Scout who was lost (and thankfully found alive), it made me very anxious about his upcoming trip to Skymont this summer. Of course, his father, an accomplished Eagle Scout and Order of the Arrow member, told me that this boy's Scout troop did two things wrong. First, they should have NEVER left him alone with one adult at the campsite while the others went hiking. That is a HUGE no-no. Second, when they got back to camp and had lunch, he apparently wandered off. He should have had a buddy. My husband said they always employ the buddy system when they go camping. If one boy has to go to the bathroom, his buddy has to accompany him no matter what. He reassured me that the boys going to Skymont would not only be trained extensively before they go on what to do in a situation where they are separated from the group, but he will personally make sure every boy carries a whistle with him.
I am so glad that young man has been found safe. I hope everyone who saw that news report will hold their children close and give them lots of hugs and kisses, but even more importantly, teach their kids not to wander off. Okay, I'm off my soapbox for today!

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